Parfum etiquette uitgelegd

Perfume etiquette for beginners

Perfume is an expression of personality, but it is important to remember that the scent you wear also affects the people around you. How do you make sure your perfume is experienced in the right way? In this article, we share some useful tips for wearing perfume in the most appropriate and pleasant way.

Consider the occasion and environment

The situation you're in plays a big role in choosing your perfume. In a formal meeting or a small conference room, it is advisable to wear a more subtle scent. Too intense scents can be experienced as disruptive in this setting. In contrast, at an informal beach party or a cozy get-together with friends, it is fine to wear a bold perfume, as long as it is not too overwhelming.

Adjust the intensity of your perfume

The way you apply your perfume affects the strength of the scent. The distance from which you spray and the amount of perfume you use can determine the intensity yourself. If you spray your perfume from a distance and move your arm through it to create an airy cloud, the scent will be more subtle than if you spray it several times close by. Experimenting with your own perfume can yield surprising results! Sometimes the same scent can even be experienced differently by the way you apply it.

Think about the people around you

Fragrance is a personal choice, but don’t forget that others perceive the scent too. Do you know the perfume preferences of your colleagues, friends or family? Try to find a balance that is pleasant for you and for them. If you know that a certain scent doesn’t please them, be empathetic and choose a less intrusive option. This way you can ensure that your scent is a positive experience for everyone around you.

Choose the right perfume for every occasion

It is also important to match your perfume to the occasion itself. A day at the office calls for a subtle scent that does not distract too much, while a night out can be a perfect opportunity for a more intense scent that emphasizes your personality. Think of a fresh, floral scent for the day and a warm, oriental scent for the evening.


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